Investment Details

Wedding & Live Event

Pricing for a single live painting is determined by the size and how much refining of the painting you would like after the event.

We are happy to honor special requests beyond the general description of the wedding painting at an additional hourly studio rate. We will work with you to fit your individual needs and budget. All canvases are gallery-wrapped and ready to hang.

Our consultation will help you make your best choice, as each event is unique!

All prices include insurance, detailed consultation, sales tax, and free shipping. Additional expenses will include mileage, transportation, and lodging. Free hand-delivery within the Little Traverse Bay area.

  • On-site, live-painting capturing the essence and spirit of the wedding, completed in impressionistic style.

  • For 36”x48” canvas: Live painting plus 30 hours of studio time. Shipped within 8-10 weeks of the event.



Pricing for a single painting is determined by the size and Subject matter.

 All prices include insurance and detailed consultation. Portraits are referenced by sketches and photos, painted in the studio. 

All canvases are gallery-wrapped and ready to hang. Shipped within 8-10 weeks, dependent upon commission schedule. Free hand-delivery within the Little Traverse Bay area.

Our consultation will help you make your best choice for your vision and budget!

  • Portraits are referenced by sketches and photos, painted in the studio.

    Shipped within 8-10 weeks, dependent upon commission schedule.

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